
Neural Therapy

Neural therapy is a regulation treatment that is used both in diagnosis and treatment, using local anesthetics to eliminate dysfunction in the body's own neuroautonomic system. All parts of our body, organs and even cells, work by being aware of each other and acting in harmony. Our body has the ability to repair and renew itself and to protect itself against harmful external stimuli. Our body performs all these functions and information transfers through the “Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). “Neural therapy” is a regional injection treatment method that can regulate the balance of the body by affecting the autonomic nervous system (ANS). It also stimulates the body's repair systems, activating the body's ability to heal itself. Neural therapy treatments are a permanent treatment method, as it is a method based on the body's self-correction.

Autonomic nervous system (ANS); It is a system that regulates all functions of the body except voluntary muscle movements. All of the basic functions such as the work of the heart, regulation of respiration, control of blood pressure, balancing of hormones, functioning of the digestive system, bowel movements, urination, sexual functions, menstruation, sweating and regulation of body temperature are all performed through this system. Irregularity in the ANS; heart palpitations, respiratory distress, blood pressure problems, digestive-intestinal problems, hormonal irregularities (related reproductive problems), menstrual irregularities, excessive sweating, excessive burning-feeling hot or feeling very cold. This shows us that diseases cause complaints over ANS and that basic and permanent treatments can be done through ANS. Thus, many diseases; It can be treated permanently with methods that have a balancing effect on ANS. Local anesthetic injections are made not directly into the nerves, but into the subcutaneous areas where the nerves are most concentrated. A warning can be sent to the relevant organs through these nerves under the skin. Therefore, it has very few side effects. Imbalance, disorder or disease in the organs can be treated with these positive stimuli. Thus, the internal balance of the body is ensured, the negative effects on the cells are removed, and the normal functioning of the cells can be ensured without the use of harmful chemicals and surgery.

With the local anesthetic injection applied in neural therapy, 3 circulations in the body are regulated: Blood circulation, lymph circulation and neural transmission. When the blood circulation, that is, perfusion, of a tissue increases, that tissue is nourished; When the lymph circulation increases, the tissue is purified from metabolites, that is, it is cleaned and the tissue with increased nerve communication works more regularly. The self-healing capacity of the tissue that is fed, cleaned and regularly commanded increases. The basic logic in neural therapy is regulation; is regulation. Therefore, it is the regulation of a structure that has indications. An anatomical deficiency or a genetic disorder does not constitute neural therapy indications. Neural therapy, which was found in Germany in 1940 and widely applied by physicians in Europe, is a permanent treatment method as well as a preventive medicine method. Because the basic pathology of all diseases is the same, from cancer to a simple pain, from a viral disease such as the flu to allergy. Perfusion, lymphatic drainage and innervation are impaired in all affected tissues or bodies. With the regulation of these systems, neural
therapy is a very effective method used both in the fight against diseases and in maintaining a healthy state (in preventive medicine).

Neural therapy began in the 1920s with an event that caught the attention of two German anesthesiologists, Ferdinand and Walter HUNEKE, who were also brothers. Both physicians observed that when they administered a painkiller composition intravenously to their sisters, whose migraine could not be relieved, their pain subsided immediately before the medication was finished, and they became cheerful and happy. When they investigated this situation, they saw that they had accidentally given a drug with procaine intravenously. They thought that the recovery without the effect of painkillers was due to the effect of procaine on the nerve network surrounding the vessel.

In 1940, Dr. F. Huneke could not cure his patient, who had persistent pain in his right shoulder and limited range of motion, with the treatment he applied to the shoulder area. However, little while after, the same patient came to Huneke, stating that the osteitis wound on his left foot, which he had suffered in childhood, became painful again. During the application of procaine to this area, F. Huneke witnessed that the pain of the opposite side shoulder was instantly relieved. This situation is defined as “flash phenomenon or lightning reaction”. F. Huneke was later recognized as the father of neural therapy and the interference field application took its place in neural therapy.

NEURAL THERAPY has been practiced around the world for nearly a century. In many European countries, education is given in universities, especially in Germany. In our country, Prof. Dr. Under the leadership of Hüseyin Nazlıkul, the trainings accepted by the International Association of Neural Therapy According to Huneke (IGNH) have been given to physicians since 2004.

Life is not only limited to matter, but also linked to energy. Under normal conditions, a cell membrane has a positive charge on the outside and a negative charge on the inside. When there is an excitation, this picture changes and the cell depolarizes. The electrical potential of the depolarized cell – between 40-90 mVolts – decreases. However, immediately after, the cell repolarizes and returns to its former electrical potential. If the external stimulus (physical, chemical, traumatic, etc.) is too strong or if many stimuli affect simultaneously (cumulative stimulus), the cell cannot repolarize. A cell that has been permanently depolarized and therefore weakened or diseased cannot continue to function either.

In this case, procaine used for neural therapy hyperpolarizes the cell with its power of approximately -290 mV. Each injection leaves some potential in the cell until the cell stores its normal potential of -40-90 mVolts. Thus, the diseased cell turns into a healthy cell. Neural therapy provides stimulation and regulation of the autonomic nervous system, which is in a very wide electrical network structure in our body. The most extreme extensions of the autonomic nervous system and blood vessels terminate in the intercellular fluid. Metabolic, biochemical and biophysical processes occur in this fluid, which is defined as the matrix. It is known that with illness, the balance of the matrix is ​​disturbed and its fluidity
decreases and becomes heavier. Prof. Dr. Ricker stated that every stimulus (mechanical, thermal, chemical, physical, electromagnetic, toxic, microbial, etc.) coming to our body from outside causes a decrease in frequency and amplitude in the nervous system (afferent sympathetic neurons). Today, it is known that the harmful stimulus initiates the effect of making healthy cells sick primarily through the nerve endings in the matrix. Neural therapy provides recovery in the first stage of the disease. In addition, it provides protection from the disease with neuro-vegetative regulation before the disease, which is accepted as preventive medicine.

Past or present local irritation (which may be inflammatory, chemical, physical, or traumatic) in any part of the body can become a pathological site (interference area; in the head region, especially teeth, tonsils, and paranasal sinuses) and may become persistent in the neuro-vegetative system gives a negative warning. This warning disrupts the system and may cause disturbances in some of the bodily functions. Complaints in an organ completely different from the interference field decrease or disappear after neural therapy to the interference field (flash phenomenon or lightning effect). These interference fields are often localized in the head region, especially in the teeth, tonsils and paranasal sinuses. In addition, previously operated areas should be considered as disruptive areas. Headaches, hypertension, etc., which deteriorate health after cesarean section operations, which are very common in our country. The number of women who started their complaints is not small at all. Procaine injections to the scar change the lives of patients.

Applications are made in three ways as superficial (skin), segmental and deep injection and interference field treatment. First of all, there are small needles called quadle (injection of a small amount of procaine into the skin) that are applied to the skin in the area where the discomfort is caused by local treatment. In the second stage, segmental treatment, the segment where the discomfort is located and its connection with the spinal cord (spinal cord) is applied. In this connection, a quad is made to the skin around the spinal cord. With segment therapy, negative stimuli that reach the organ related to the segment from the periphery via the spinal cord (cuti-visceral reflex pathway) or reach the other organ via the spinal cord via the spinal cord (viscero-visceral reflex pathway) are regulated, and the curative effect of neural therapy is revealed. In the third stage, there is interference field treatment, which can be revealed by the disease history in most of the patients. With the injection made to this region, which is the source of the disease, immediate improvement in complaints can be achieved (flash phenomenon or lightning reaction).

Neural therapy can be applied to patients of all ages, including children and the elderly. Blood pressure, sugar, heart etc. Diseases and drugs used by the patient do not prevent treatment.
In some applications, caution should be exercised in those who use blood thinners from the anti-coagulant group.
Neural therapy is not applied only in patients with myasthenia graves muscle.

Although neural therapy offers an approach to the solution of diseases, its application may have needles. In addition to needles applied to the skin, it is applied to organs, all wounds and surgical scars in the body. These needles are not "injecting a drug somewhere" style. The aim is to create positive stimulation in the autonomic nervous system. For this reason, small needles applied to the skin are usually sufficient. Neural therapy should not be perceived as a needle therapy. In addition, it can be easily applied even to those with

serious needle phobia. Needles are not applied to the nerve, but to the skin. With the treatment performed at 3-day intervals, improvement is achieved in the patient's clinic in 3 or 6 sessions.

Neural therapy is a treatment method that can be used in almost every disease. It is very effective especially in long-term, persistent pain where classical medicine is insufficient. It is effective in hormonal disorders and some systemic diseases.
Treatment of migraine and headaches
Treatment of muscular pains such as neck, back and waist pains Relief of pain in waist and neck hernias Joint diseases (meniscus tear, reduction of fluid in the joint, sports injuries)
Treatment of pain caused by nerve compression Treatment of rheumatic diseases
Treatment of allergic origin diseases such as allergic asthma and allergic rhinitis (immune system balance disorder)
Treatment of thyroid diseases Elimination of menopause problems
Treatment of menstrual irregularities and severe menstrual cramps Reproductive problems due to hormonal disorder
Treatment of chronic tonsillitis (inflammation of the throat that does not go away) Chronic sinusitis treatment
Treatment of fibromyalgia (widespread muscle pain), persistent feeling of tiredness and weakness
Treatment of mental illnesses such as depression and panic attacks Chronic constipation treatment
Treatment of intestinal diseases (irritable colon syndrome, ulcerative colitis and crohn) Facial Paralysis treatment
Trigeminal neuralgia treatment
Sports injuries treatment
Cleansing the body of toxins
Anti-aging (prevention of aging)
Are There Any Side Effects of Neural Therapy?
Neural therapy, which has been applied in the West for more than eighty years, has no known side effects.
Neural therapy, which is considered a natural treatment, is not drug therapy. The stimulation of the short-acting local anesthetic in the needles on the autonomic nervous system is used. As soon as the needle is inserted into the skin, this stimulus spreads through the neural network and the old nerve damage is bio-electrically corrected. It should not be confused with needle treatments applied to the body by some physicians. In other treatments, drugs are given to the tissue. In neural therapy, on the other hand, needles are mostly applied to the skin to create a positive warning.

In neural therapy, only procaine and lidocaine local anesthetics are used. The anesthetic effect of these substances is not used, but the bio-electrical effect. In particular, procaine is the shortest acting local anesthetic. The duration of action is 15-20 minutes. Therefore, even pregnant women and nursing mothers can be treated easily.

1- Comprehensive History and Examination:
In neural therapy, the anamnesis taken from the patient differs in some aspects. In addition to the general anamnesis taken in this context, there is an obligation to take a special history to evaluate the person with the neural therapy approach. Because the temporal relationship between the emergence of the disease and the events coinciding with the same time is very important.
2- Local / Superficial Treatment:
The first approach is local treatment. Where the pain is locally, quadrilateral injections are made there. The superficial injection method can also be applied to special acupuncture points (acu-points).
Acupuncture points do not actually exist; they are especially found in places where vegetative nerve fibers around blood and lymph vessels are dense; Acupuncture points located in the body, ears, scalp - scalp, mouth, tongue and other areas are very important for the regulation of the autonomic nervous system. The advantage of the application to the acupuncture points with the neural therapy approach over the Traditional Chinese Acupuncture treatment is that the appropriate drugs are injected into the acupuncture points, and the effect is dramatic.
3-Segmental and Deep Injections:
In cases where local treatment is ineffective, segmental treatment is applied. Segment definition is not the same as dermatome, segment covers dermatome. The basis of segmental therapy is that any irritation gives a reflex response in all or a part of the segment and an interaction occurs from the periphery to the organ and from the organ to the periphery by finding its way through the medulla spinalis (cutaneous visceral reflex line). The human body can be divided into 30 segments, 8 in the cervical region, 12 in the thoracic region, 5 in the lumbar region, and 5 in the sacral region. These zones are called "Head Zones".
All entities within a segment are in relation to each other. For this reason, an obstacle or warning that will appear within the segment will not only affect the problematic area, but will affect the entire segment. This mechanism is used in neural therapy. For example, quadrilateral or periosteal stimulation to a segment is not only limited to the area of ​​application, but also positively affects the organs, muscles and all other structures within the segment and increases the blood supply of that area. The segment is also important from a diagnostic point of view. The color changes observed with palpation and the tone state of the muscles give us information about the functions of organs and joints. Even disruptive areas within that area can make regional skin and subcutaneous changes. As a result of successful treatment, improvement and improvement in tone and turgor within the segment are also observed.

With the injection of procaine to the irritated segment, the membrane polarization is made healthy, pathogenic messages in the reflex lines are eliminated and normal conduction is ensured. Thus, all vegetative processes return to their optimal functions.
4- Ganglion Treatment:
In cases where there is no response to the treatment, it is necessary to intervene in the upper-acting organs. In this sense, the ganglion or trigger points in the area of ​​the disease are also stimulated and included in the treatment. Autonomic ganglia can become toxic and remain so for a long time. Giving a ganglion injection is the fastest way to ganglion detoxification.
5- Interrupting Field Treatment:
A previous or existing local irritation in any part of the body can become a pathological field (impairing area) and disrupt the neurovegetative system and cause disturbances in some of the body functions. For this reason, it is extremely important to investigate and treat the interference fields in case of failure to respond to the treatment.

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