This method, also called cupping, is based on the principle that cups of different sizes create a vacuum effect on the skin, increasing the blood flow in the area. Thus, while the amount of oxygen and blood in the tissues is increased, the excretion of toxins and carbon dioxide through the lymph is accelerated. If it is decided to apply the procedure as a wet cup (hijama), scratches are made with a depth of 1-1.5 mm and a length of 5-7 mm with a sterile scalpel immediately after the first vacuuming process. Due to the vacuuming done beforehand, pain is not felt in this procedure. Immediately after the scratching procedure, the area is vacuumed again, allowing blood to leak. As the blood leaking from the intercellular spaces and small capillaries in the region fills the cup, the blood is cleaned once or twice when necessary and vacuuming is continued. Afterwards, vacuuming is terminated, the area is cleaned and the dressing is applied and closed using various aromatic oils in order to accelerate wound healing.